Having the Moral Courage to Do What’s Right

Wang Shuping, who goes by her English name “Sunshine” after moving to US from China, has died, reported by BBC.

Her whistleblowing actions saved potentially tens of thousands of lives in China. What happened was she suspected that donor’s blood were tainted with HIV and Hepatitis C in an earlier incident, and when the authorities refused to act, used her own money to buy test kits to test the blood and with that strong evidence, reported it to the authorities again.

The authorities didn’t take this too well and made life miserable for her, eventually forcing her out of the country. But her moral compass guided her to do the right thing in the face of money grubbing officials who opposed her, and in so doing, helped many others avoid getting the tainted blood in their system, saving them from a life of fear of death due to their compromised immune system.

Thank you Sunshine. We need more people like you in this world.

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