If the Universe is 14 Billion Years Old, How Can It Be 92 Billion Light Years Wide?

A seemingly illogical statement, but with a very logical answer. Check out this video narrated by Dr Don Lincoln. To summarise for those without time to check out the video, the universe is expanding, and it still is. So what we can observe in our vicinity is actually getting lesser and lesser. In fact, we… Continue reading If the Universe is 14 Billion Years Old, How Can It Be 92 Billion Light Years Wide?

Learning Points from Chris Anderson’s TED-Ed Talk on “Questions No One Knows the Answers to”

Google is the source of our answer to most questions, and some would argue that 42 is the answer to everything. There are questions though which despite our best efforts, remain unanswered. This TED-Ed talk highlights 2 of them for us to ponder over. https://www.ted.com/talks/questions_no_one_knows_the_answers_to 1. How many universes are there? All we know is… Continue reading Learning Points from Chris Anderson’s TED-Ed Talk on “Questions No One Knows the Answers to”

Learning Points from Jedidah Isler’s TED Talk on “How I Fell in Love with Quasars, Blazars and Our Incredible Universe”

A blazing quasar, or blazar in short. Just one of the many wonders in our amazing universe. Jedidah Isler, an astrophysicist, shares her love for these features in this TED talk. https://www.ted.com/talks/jedidah_isler_how_i_fell_in_love_with_quasars_blazars_and_our_incredible_universe So for those who are unaware (such as myself), blazars are jetted, earth-pointed, supermassive and hyperactive black holes. The jets propel energy at… Continue reading Learning Points from Jedidah Isler’s TED Talk on “How I Fell in Love with Quasars, Blazars and Our Incredible Universe”

Learning Points from David Christian’s TED Talk on “The History of Our World in 18 Minutes”

David Christian covers what he terms as "big history", the entire history of our world and what a tiny speck we are in the overall world timeline, and yet what a significant impact we have made. https://www.ted.com/talks/david_christian_big_history The gist of the talk is that while we have grown rapidly these past few hundred years, we… Continue reading Learning Points from David Christian’s TED Talk on “The History of Our World in 18 Minutes”

Learning Points from Stephen Hawking’s TED Talk on “Questioning the Universe”

Stephen Hawking raises and answers questions regarding the Universe. https://www.ted.com/talks/stephen_hawking_asks_big_questions_about_the_universe Given our increasing propensity to destroy ourselves in the near future, he suggests that we look into outer space to look for avenues where human life can continue. I'm not so sure about that, given the technical challenges of transport to bridge the vast distances… Continue reading Learning Points from Stephen Hawking’s TED Talk on “Questioning the Universe”