Learning Points from Jedidah Isler’s TED Talk on “How I Fell in Love with Quasars, Blazars and Our Incredible Universe”

A blazing quasar, or blazar in short. Just one of the many wonders in our amazing universe. Jedidah Isler, an astrophysicist, shares her love for these features in this TED talk. https://www.ted.com/talks/jedidah_isler_how_i_fell_in_love_with_quasars_blazars_and_our_incredible_universe So for those who are unaware (such as myself), blazars are jetted, earth-pointed, supermassive and hyperactive black holes. The jets propel energy at… Continue reading Learning Points from Jedidah Isler’s TED Talk on “How I Fell in Love with Quasars, Blazars and Our Incredible Universe”