Mapping Our Night Sky

Juna Kollmeier shares the immense effort required to map our night sky in this TED talk. In her words, 1 global survey 2 hemispheres 5 telescopes 10 spectrographs Millions of stars Mow the sky Creative army Robots If anything, the talk itself seemed underwhelming, perhaps due to lack of interest from the audience. But I… Continue reading Mapping Our Night Sky

First Real Pictures of A Black Hole!

For space enthusiasts, exciting stuff. Here's a black hole! All pictures are taken from this link If you look very closely, it's the black speck in the middle of all that orange glow. When super zoomed in, it looks like this: That "little" black hole is 40,000,000,000km across, or about 3 million times the size… Continue reading First Real Pictures of A Black Hole!

The Opposite of a Black Hole is…?

I learnt about white holes today watching The Action Lab's video titled "How to make a white hole and an Einstein-Rosen bridge in real life" So unlike a black hole where nothing escapes after you move beyond event horizon, a white hole does the opposite. It continually spews out information and lets nothing in. You… Continue reading The Opposite of a Black Hole is…?

Learning Points from Katie Bouman’s TEDx Talk on “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole”

I'm talking about the black holes observed in space here, for those who are wondering why that's so difficult.. 1. Current telescopes can take this level of resolution of the moon's surface, where 1 pixel translates to the area covered by 1.5 million oranges. 2. To capture a photograph of the black hole at… Continue reading Learning Points from Katie Bouman’s TEDx Talk on “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole”