5 Ways to Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills

Lessons from this TED-Ed video with this same title as follows: 1. Formulate your question. You have to know exactly what you're looking for. 2. Gather your information. After you have framed your question, get the relevant information. 3. Apply the information. Go through the concepts and assumptions, and make sure the information is logically… Continue reading 5 Ways to Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills

Learning Points from Chris Anderson’s TED-Ed Talk on “Questions No One Knows the Answers to”

Google is the source of our answer to most questions, and some would argue that 42 is the answer to everything. There are questions though which despite our best efforts, remain unanswered. This TED-Ed talk highlights 2 of them for us to ponder over. https://www.ted.com/talks/questions_no_one_knows_the_answers_to 1. How many universes are there? All we know is… Continue reading Learning Points from Chris Anderson’s TED-Ed Talk on “Questions No One Knows the Answers to”