The Silliest Thing Ever

Would you pay money regularly to shorten your own life? Who in their right minds would do that? Let's examine the first sentence holistically. Perhaps this is talking about people who pay for equipment to do extreme sports, such as high altitude flights to do sky-diving? Or motor racing, where you take the risk of… Continue reading The Silliest Thing Ever

Alcohol: Is it Good for You?

Conclusion: Any potential benefits offered by alcohol is outweighed by the disadvantages that come along with it. Avoid drinking or if really necessary, drink only sparingly. 1. Moderate drinking may protect against heart disease but increase the risk of other cancers and diseases. 2. Alcohol is neutralized by the liver, thus excessive alcohol intake might… Continue reading Alcohol: Is it Good for You?

Are Instant Noodles Bad for You?

Conclusion: They are not necessarily bad, but eating too much of it is not recommended. Eating in moderation, and complementing it with vegetables and other protein sources would help to balance your dietary requirements for the day. Watch the video version of this blog post here:   1. Instant noodles typically have high levels… Continue reading Are Instant Noodles Bad for You?

Are Ultra-Processed Foods Bad for You?

Conclusion: Yes, they are bad. Eat once in a blue moon, or better yet, avoid totally if you can! Watch the video version of this blog post here: First, a definition. According to Wikipedia, ultra-processed foods are substances derived from foods by e.g. baking, frying, extruding, moulding, re-shaping, hydrogenation and hydrolysis. They generally include… Continue reading Are Ultra-Processed Foods Bad for You?

Learning Points from Science Insider’s Video Titled “How Much Sugar is Really in a Can of Soda?”

Specially for those who consume sodas instead of plain water. This video might make you change your mind! They tested Coca-Cola, diet Coca-Cola and ginger ale by boiling off all the liquid in a can of the beverage to see the amount of sugar remaining. Here are the results: 1. Coca-Cola: 39 grams of… Continue reading Learning Points from Science Insider’s Video Titled “How Much Sugar is Really in a Can of Soda?”