The 3 Ways to be a Millionaire

Even if being a millionaire is not one of your dreams, it doesn't hurt if you achieve it along the way in your life right? This video by proactive thinker shows the 3 ways which most people become millionaires. 1. The slow lane These are the people who study hard, graduate, get a job, work… Continue reading The 3 Ways to be a Millionaire

The 8 Rules of Money

As expounded by proactive thinker in this video. 1. Money does grow in trees (Investments) 2. There is no limit to how much you can spend 3. Money is a lifelong game 4. Money won't solve your insecurities 5. Don't let anyone know that you have money 6. Greatest wealth transfers happen during crises 7.… Continue reading The 8 Rules of Money

Learning Points from James B. Glattfelder’s TEDx Talk on “Who Controls the World?”

On the issue of world domination, any guesses on who are the most likely ones to control the world? 1. It is only recently that economists have started applying what scientists have done for years, namely breaking down complex systems into a series of equations or a few simple rules of interaction. 2. When… Continue reading Learning Points from James B. Glattfelder’s TEDx Talk on “Who Controls the World?”

Learning Points from Shai Reshef’s TED Talk on ” An Ultra-Low-Cost College Degree”

Are you facing problems financing your college education? Have you ever wished that education can be free and more accessible? Shai Reshef makes this a reality with the University of the People, an online university for the masses. I find it very admirable that people like Shai Reshef exist, who do not think about… Continue reading Learning Points from Shai Reshef’s TED Talk on ” An Ultra-Low-Cost College Degree”

Learning Points from Don Tapscott’s TED Talk on “How the Blockchain is Changing Money and Business”

I heard about blockchains before but never really bothered to find out what exactly they were about. Stumbled upon this TED talk and decided, hey, might as well find out more. (Image courtesy of So the blockchain is essentially a vast, global, distributed ledger running on millions of computers and is made available… Continue reading Learning Points from Don Tapscott’s TED Talk on “How the Blockchain is Changing Money and Business”