Eating Overnight Food is Safe, Plus Other Myths

Sharing a bunch of myths related to food as follows:

1. Food left overnight out at the table can be reheated and eaten without getting sick.

Myth! After the prescribed 2 hours or so where your food is, left between 4 – 60 degrees Celsius, bacteria in the food will grow and multiply, and contrary to what most people believe, reheating the food, especially in the microwave, does not kill all the bacteria present. In such cases, you should throw the food away.

2. Unfinished cooked food stored in the fridge can be reheated safely for eating.

Truth! This is regardless of what type of food it is, as long as your fridge is kept below 4 degrees Celsius.

3. Food past the expiry date should be thrown away.

Myth! The expiry date is a guide. Typically it doesn’t matter if it is a little while after the date has elapsed. For example, if your bread expires in a week from the day you bought it, chances are it is still ok to eat on day 8. Just check for the presence of mold. For canned foods which are due to expire 2 years from date of purchase, chances are it will still be ok 1 month or so after the expiry date.

4. You need not wash fruits such as watermelons or honeydew as you are not eating the outer skin layer.

Myth! Unless you have some exquisite knife work, you are going to be cutting through the dirty outer layer, into the flesh you are going to be eating. It is better to give the outer layer a good wash to prevent dirt and bacteria getting to the fruit.

5. You should wash your meat before cooking it.

Myth! In modern times, the meat you buy is already clean. By washing it, you risk spreading the bacteria originally on it all over your sink and countertop, increasing the risk that it gets to your other foods, especially uncooked foods like salads.

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